Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Understand foreign exchange risk

If you are new to Forex trading you need to understand to understand that Forex trading has risks that can spend your capital. So before you start trading Forex, it helps if you understand all the risks that exist. Here are some additional tips that you can make a material consideration in your Forex trading ...


Understand foreign exchange risk.

Each investment must contain a risk. You should be well aware of these risks. We do not just focus on the lucrative profits from this trade, but also perhatikah the following:

  • If you lack knowledge of the character of the movement of a currency market, then you will be faced with the risk of losing your money. Try to identify and study the first character of the movement of the currency you want traded. My advice to beginners is trying to learn first character of the USD / JPY. Why? because of my experience, the USD / JPY it has karkater a smooth, slowly but surely, with daily movements can be measured between 50-100 pips (points), and if there is movement tremendous least about 200-300 pips. To move more than 300 pips is both extremely rare. When that happens, it can be ascertained due to fundamental factors (news) is very meaningful, such as interest rates rise, natural disasters, Inflation Rate.

  • If you are in a position of market entry, then you will be dealing with your own psychological. It can also cause you spent your money. This could be because you are not careful and observant when you enter the Forex market. Is conscientious and observant when you enter the Forex market. Understand exactly how your Forex software penggunana properly. Set Number of LOT and Forex currency you want traded. Take BUY position when the market at the lowest price and SELL when the market's highest diharga (you can learn it by using some existing graph indicator).

  •  If you are in a position to fight the Forex market. Well, you should follow the trend that is happening, but just the opposite. Remember! we just took the opportunity with huge potential in the Forex market, not we who determine the Forex market. So, do not blame the forex market is not friendly to you, but it is you who have to adjust the market.

Accept Responsibility.

You MUST READY accept any responsibility for your actions in Forex transactions. If you menglami transaction errors, then you should be ready to anticipate quickly so that the error can be corrected to be an opportunity that generates return / profit.

Work Smart not Hard Work.

All you need is to multiply all the information about the Forex transaction.

You can continue to learn all the basic techniques and advanced available from the internet as well as the experiences of the seniors Forex Trader you trust. In Forex there is no "cum laude", but it is how you can "survive" in a Forex transaction to your life can be better for it.

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

Set your system is simple in Forex transactions. There are so many Forex indicators are there, you just select the line with the "style" of your trading. The simple system sometimes gives better than the system with a level of complexity that can make you confused.

Be Patient.

Be patient and do not rush in making your Forex trading decisions. Forex market movements Up and Down, in which case you are just waiting for the right time to be entry level achieving your target price can be achieved with the maximum.

Use Leverage more realistic.

If you have a stock that is not too big, it's good when you start trading Forex Forex Brokers that have higher leverage. Because then, meaning you only need a small capital to start trading Forex. But Remember! with high leverage, your capital is to be small, but the movement is the same per pointnya. Be careful!

Must be Realistic! Well, it is sometimes hard to do by Forex traders. Do not be afraid to make a mistake or take a loss. Forget your ego and Make Money! If you are able to generate profits 50% -100% of your capital over the past year, it has become a wonderful thing is not it? From that experience, you can slowly increase your own profit targets. Learn by Process! Learn from your own experience process because all the risks and responsibilities is not on others.

Believe me ...!

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